
bwin国际在线平台大学 is committed to ensuring the privacy and accuracy of your confidential information. 我们不会主动分享从我们的Web服务器收集的个人信息. 然而, 从我们的网站收集的一些信息, 包括摘要服务器日志信息, 发送到网站的电子邮件, 以及从网上表格收集的信息, 是否需要审查以满足联邦和州的报告要求. 这意味着,虽然我们不主动分享信息, in some cases we may be compelled by law to release information gathered from our Web servers. 作为我们维护使用我们网站的公众隐私的承诺的一部分, bwin国际在线平台大学制定了本隐私声明. 该声明有两个目的:

  • 教育公众注意私隐问题
  • To inform the general public about specific privacy policies and guidelines employed at bwin国际在线平台大学

bwin国际在线平台大学网站由几个Web服务器组成. Some servers hosted by the university may adopt more restrictive privacy statements as their specific needs require. If another bwin国际在线平台大学 Web server has a privacy statement that is different from this statement, that policy must be approved by the Web Oversight Committee and then must be posted on that Web site. 然而, those sites cannot adopt a privacy statement that in any way supersedes federal or state regulations.

大学网站包含数百个外部网站的链接. The university is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of external Web sites we link to (See Linking Policy Below).

bwin国际在线平台大学遵守家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA), 哪条规定未经学生允许不得公开大部分教育记录. bwin国际在线平台大学 also complies with state and federal regulations protecting personal health information of patients, 雇员和一般网站访问者.



  • 正在使用的计算机的因特网地址
  • 请求的网页
  • 引用网页
  • 浏览器使用
  • 日期和时间
  • 唯一的个人标识符

The data is used in aggregate by system administrators and Web content coordinators to tune the Web site for its efficiency and is not ordinarily associated with specific individuals. Summary reports produced from the logs help Web publishers determine what Web browsers and pages are most popular.


cookie是由Web浏览器存储的小块数据. cookie通常用于记住有关您访问过的偏好和页面的信息. 例如,当您访问Web上的某些站点时,您可能会看到“欢迎回来”消息. The first time you visited the site a cookie was probably set on your computer; when you return, cookie再次被读取. You can refuse to accept cookies, can disable cookies, and remove cookies from your hard drive.

bwin国际在线平台大学 Web servers may use cookies in the centralized authentication system. These cookies are used so you will not have to repeatedly enter user names and passwords when you go to different parts of the Web site. You are normally required to authenticate against the LDAP when you request data about yourself or to ensure that you are a member of the university community. This login process normally uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) so the user name and password are encrypted between the Web browser and our Web server. Some Web servers within bwin国际在线平台大学 may also use cookies to retain user preference information. 与外部第三方分享这些信息是违反学校政策的.


The university does its best to ensure that the personal information we have about you is accurate. 尽管没有计算机系统是100%安全的, bwin国际在线平台大学已经部署了安全措施来防止损失, 滥用, 或者改变我们控制下的信息.


Some sites within bwin国际在线平台大学 may enable you to pay for products or services online with a credit card. 除非另有说明,否则这些交易都是加密的. It is university policy that confidential information you enter in the transaction is used only for the purposes described in that transaction, 除非该网站特别说明了其他用途. 个人网站不得在线销售产品或提供在线支付服务.


bwin国际在线平台大学有, 根据用户的明确要求, 与其他各方共享信息,并从其他私人数据提供商收集信息. 例如, the university receives test scores from testing agencies and will send transcripts to other schools. 只有在用户(信息适用的人)的要求下才会这样做。. Unless specifically required under public information requests or compelled under other legal processes, 公布通过网络收集的机密信息是违反大学政策的, 比如访问过的页面, 或者个性化偏好. 符合FERPA, 我们不公布学生的个人信息, 除了公共目录信息, 除非我们收到明确的书面授权,否则不得公开给其他方. Enrolled students can restrict release of their directory information by contacting the Office of the Registrar.


bwin国际在线平台大学可能会建立一些公共聊天室, 论坛, 留言板, 以及用户可以使用的新闻组. 在使用这些系统期间,大学通常不记录数据事务, 然而, any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should therefore exercise caution when deciding to disclose your confidential information in such places. 学术聊天会议和论坛, 比如使用学生课程管理软件, 可能会被记录. 同时, 这些教育记录可能受到FERPA或其他法规的保护,不被披露.


在任何时候,都有许多在线调查在大学的网站上进行. It is university policy that confidential information gathered in these online surveys is used only for the research purposes indicated in the survey. 除非在指定的检验报告上另有说明, your answers are confidential and individual responses will not be shared with other parties unless required by federal or state law. 调查汇总数据可能会与外部第三方共享.


所有信息收集自bwin国际在线平台大学网站, 包括摘要服务器日志信息, 发送到网站的电子邮件, 以及从网上表格收集的信息, 是否受密歇根法规的约束.

FERPA gives students the right to be informed about the information that bwin国际在线平台大学 collects about them, the right to request a copy of that information and to have the university correct any information that is wrong. 如欲索取公开资料,请向大学网站管理员(webmaster@ipbb.net).


This Web site provides links to other Web sites, both public and private, for informational purposes. bwin国际在线平台大学不作任何陈述, 担保, 或保证准确性, 完整性, 货币, 或通过本网站提供的信息的任何用途的适用性. bwin国际在线平台大学 specifically disclaims any and all liability and responsibility for any claims or damage that may arise as a result of bwin国际在线平台大学 providing the Web site or the information it contains, or that may arise in any way with respect to any Web sites maintained by third parties and linked to the bwin国际在线平台大学 site. bwin国际在线平台大学没有努力独立核实, 并没有编辑控制, 这些域名之外的页面信息:www.ipbb.net, www.shusaints.com.

bwin国际在线平台大学 advises site visitors to read the privacy policies of any third-party sites accessed through this site. bwin国际在线平台大学不认可任何产品, 供应商, 咨询顾问, 或本网站引用的文档. 任何提及的供应商、产品或服务仅供参考.


如果您想从锡耶纳海茨数据库修改或删除您的个人信息, 联系bwin国际在线平台市场部,电话:(517)264-7141或发邮件至 marketing@ipbb.net. You may also email or call them to opt out of any future communications from bwin国际在线平台大学.